Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Forgiveness and Stuff – Season 1, Episode 10

Forgiveness and Stuff? What kind of stuff?

  1. The Nativity
  2. Kirk is Jesus?
  3. That baby Jesus is kinda creepy.
  4. Time to get a new doll Taylor.
  5. Tension between Rory and Lorelei…
  6. (Shock!) Bad dog! Do not chew on baby Jesus’ arm!
  7. There is something very comforting about this theme song.
  8. Miracle Worker?
  9. I think that Dean will like the book.
  10. Lane, stop. Seriously with the love advice?
  11. HA! Smelly sexy juice!
  12. I like the pink paisley shirt on Lorelei.
  13. Emily is very snarky about the party.
  14. Uninviting her to Christmas dinner? Can she do that?
  15. Michel is great. No. No. No.
  16. I love Richard’s bow ties!
  17. Plaid, nice touch for Christmas.
  18. “I’m not mad at anyone.” Emily, you sit on a throne of lies.
  19. Oh God! Ranch right in the bag!
  20. Ok, then the shake is kinda genius. But get a bowl.
  21. Dean at the window is cute and sad.
  22. Public Enemy number one. I think that would-be Emily.
  23. Dull hedge clippers. That would take a long time to remove a head.
  24. Oh, that was morbid.
  25. Shouldn't Carolers or Bell Ringers be smiling?
  26. Now I see why.
  27. Luke? With a holiday special? Yeah Right.
  28. He’s being kinda mean. Lorelei needs him.
  29. Emily is going to get caught in her lie.
  30. Creepy Santa Burger!
  31. Lorelei had an old Nokia.
  32. Richard needs to be ok!
  33. And then Luke is sweet.
  34. People get mean when they are scared.
  35. Guilt does things to people.
  36. Luke! Be careful!
  37. Hey it’s the cheer coach from Glee!
  38. Even in the crisis Emily is not budging about Lorelei.
  39. Emily is impressed by Lorelei’s ability to take charge.
  40. She gets that from you ya know!
  41. Lorelei, you don’t need to make it sound like being on a date with Luke is the worst thing in the world!
  42. Luke is so sweet.
  43. Poor Rory.
  44. Room with a view? Really Emily.
  45. Lorelei freaks out then keeps it together for Rory.  Good Mom.
  46. Luke and his panic attack about hospitals. I agree!
  47. More avoidance issues from Lorelei.
  48. Ew! Screwdriver.
  49. I love Richard even when he’s in the hospital.
  50. Poor Luke.
  51. Emily demanding to die first!
  52. Richard: “Yes, you may go first.”
  53. Narcolepsy Boy – Dean
  54. Were you mean? You were mean.
  55. They made up. Finally, the deep freeze is over. Mother-Daughter are back.
  56. Transference to the tie.
  57. Emily don’t be surprised that Lorelei said nice things.
  58. Luke: “Your mother called me an idiot.” Lorelei: “Wow, you must have sucked up good.”
  59. Albeit quick, Richard and Lorelei have a silent moment that speaks volumes.
  60. Luke bringing Lorelei coffee.
  61. How long is it going to take for her to realize he loves her.
  62. I love all the festivals.
  63. “Life is not Life unless it includes a steak.” Truer words have not been spoken.  I just can’t afford it.
  64. Yes, the forward had looks wrong.

Final Thoughts
We have a dinner and Richard, but we do not talk about the maids.
Kirk is Jesus. I’m counting it as a carpenter job.

This episode was tough from the get-go. Lorelei uninvited from Christmas and then the heart-attack.  Your heart breaks for them all.  Panic makes us lash out in different was. Guilt, Anger, Sadness. These are all very real reactions to tragedy. I think the episode does a number on us with the flaws of each character.  We get to see real, raw emotion from Emily and Lorelei.  I love the unspoken moment with Richard and Lorelei at the end though.  

Overall I give this 3 out of 5 Plaid Bow-Ties for pain and heartache.

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