Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Lorelei’s First Day at Chilton – Season 1, Episode 2

This episode developed more characters, introduced Chilton and the start of Lorelei’s cell phones.  I may be the only one that focused on this, however.

We are introduced to a bunch of new characters in this episode.  Some stick around and some do not… stay tuned for which ones.

  • Ian Jack – Chilton Dad.  Lorelei meets him at Chilton and he then comes to the Inn to ask her out.
  • Headmaster Charleston. The headmaster at Chilton and family friend of Emily and Richard Gilmore.
  • Paris Geller – Chilton student. Paris is introduced here as an intense ruler of the school. Controlling and savage, she quickly becomes Rory’s adversary.
  • Tristan Dugray – Chilton Student.  Tristan comes across as the flaky bad-boy character. A little creepy, stands too close, and pushes himself on Rory. Nicknames her Mary.
  • Jackson – The Produce Guy.  Jackson is trying to sell Sookie some peaches, which she is being hyper-critical. This defines a relationship and we feel like this will continue throughout the series.
  • Derek – Valet.  Brief encounter regarding a scratched car.  Compliments Lorelei on her outfit.
  • Babette (and Maury) – Neighbor.  Babette is the Gilmore girls nosy next door neighbor who camps out on the lawn when the DSL installer shows up.
  • Mick – DLS Installer.  Dry. Literal. Totally derailed by the fact that the ‘frog’ hiding the house key is a turtle.

This episode is hilarious as far as the cowgirl outfit! Lorelei sleeps in, has no nice clean clothes and chooses a tight pink camouflage top, cut-off jeans and cowboy boots to take Rory to her first day of school.  This garners comments from many characters.

The tight mini skirt suit that Lorelei changes into is better, but still a tad short for my liking.  Although, given her legs can you blame her?
Rory has changed backpacks in this episode.

The layout of the town has changed drastically from the pilot to this episode. The town is now clearly being filmed on a set that carries a “Desperate Housewives” feel.  I do like it, it has a more homey quality and keeps everything more in focus. 

Luke’s Diner (William’s Hardware) has changed completely. It now sits on a corner and the inside is much larger.  It lends to more involvement and seating. Its also much brighter. You can see this will become a more prevalent set.
Chilton School is very ominous.  We lead in with gargoyles and a castle-like appearance. Very Connecticut. Very Wealthy.

Pop Culture
I’m not sure if I just missed them or there were less references in this episode. Perhaps we were just spending more time developing plot and characters this time.  However, there were a few pop culture doosies!

  • Low maintenance like a Honda
  • Schindler’s List
  • Christiane Amanpour, Cookie Roberts, Oprah & Rosie
  • The View
  • Keep those leotards on ladies, this is not Brazil
  • Harry Potter
  • The Shining
  • DSL
  • Panasonic

Rory: “I can’t be late on my first day! Do you know what happens to people who are late on their first day?”
Lorelei: “It’s shorter?”

Lorelei: “This is the last time I buy anything just because it’s furry!”

Emily: “Do you need a ride, or is your horse parked outside?”

Emily: “Dinner, Friday night. No spurs please.”

Lorelei: “I need coffee in an IV”

Tristan: “Looks like we got ourselves a Mary.”

Drella: “Hey! Do I look like I have Panasonic stamped on my ass?”

Ms. Patty: “Now walk smooth.  That’s a new Harry Potter on your head. If they should drop Harry will die and there won’t be any more books.”

Lorelei: “Pizza for your thoughts”

Miscellaneous Comments:
Lorelei’s Phone: Blue Nokia

Junk Food – whipped cream from the can. This really begins the start of the junk food diet.

Does it bother anyone else that girls is not capitalized in the title?
Why are Lane and Luke’s real names not right aligned in the opening credits like everyone else?

Rory’s makeup is much more natural in this episode.

The receptionist in Headmaster Charleston's office reminds me of Verruca Salt’s mom from Willy Wonka.

Harvard. This comes up again.  Theme?

Note… Lobster Puffs. Why does Headmaster Charleston bring this up?

Irony of the Positive People sign in Mrs. James office while she is not so positively giving Rory instructions.

We see a reaction from Luke when Lorelei tells him that it was Rory’s first day at Chilton.  We also see a reaction when Lorelei tells him of Ian Jack asking her out. He seems relived that she is not going out with him.

Emily is imposing her money onto Lorelei, this is becoming a theme and possibly the reason for the estrangement.

This is the first time we are introduced to Lane’s love of food that is not her mothers and her subtle taking off the pink sweatshirt to go home.

Rory panics at Lorelei when she asks if Luke is cute. Rory says she can’t date him. This combined with Luke’s reactions earlier lends some foreshadowing.

Final Thoughts
Maid Count: still 1
Overall I would give this a 4 out of 5 fuzzy alarm clocks

This episode did an ok job of developing more characters and introducing Chilton. I was missing the interaction from Richard Gilmore and craved another funny kitchen scene.  I do love Michel and his attitude! 

If you would like to chime in about episode 2, please leave your comments below!


  1. Along the line of the cell phones were Lorelei's clearly empty purses. She had a pink one (I had the same one) and they were all very clearly empty.

    1. YES! Except in the first episode when she had SO much makeup and lip gloss in it! LOL
